
Mastering ChatGPT


Unlock the Power of Generative AI in Your Personal and Professional Life


Mastering ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Training Course

Unlock the Power of Generative AI in Your Personal and Professional Life

Mastering ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Training Course” is designed to illuminate the transformative potential of ChatGPT in everyday life and professional settings.
This training course is built on the belief that Generative AI, like ChatGPT, is revolutionizing the workforce, and it’s essential to be at the forefront of this change. To address the common fears and hesitations associated with new technologies, the course offers a supportive, step-by-step approach to learning and becoming comfortable with the technology.
It starts by familiarizing participants with ChatGPT’s basic functions for personal use, progresses to its applications in professional environments, and culminates in customizing its use for specific job roles. This structured approach ensures a comprehensive understanding and practical skill development in using ChatGPT effectively.
At the end of this course participants will be able to improve productivity and output using AI tools.

Course Objectives:
• Grasp the foundational concepts and capabilities of ChatGPT.
• Learn to integrate ChatGPT into daily personal activities, enhancing productivity and creativity.
• Acquire skills to incorporate ChatGPT in various profession settings focusing on communication, research and problem-solving tasks.
• Develop the ability to tailor ChatGPT’s response and functionalities to suit job-specific requirements.
• Build confidence in using AI technologies by understanding their mechanisms and potential impact.
• Learn strategies for integrating ChatGPT into team-based projects and collaborative work environments.

Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to ChatGPT and Everyday Usage
• Overview of ChatGPT and its capabilities.
• Learning about prompt creation and navigating the ChatGPT interface.
• Hands-on exercises and practical examples for daily life applications.
• Q&A and homework assignments.

Module 2: Advanced Usage in Professional Settings
• Exploring ChatGPT’s role in enhancing professional productivity.
• Techniques to personalize ChatGPT’s tone and voice for various professional scenarios.
• Designing effective conversation flows and handling complex interactions.
• Practical exercises and a focus on creating context-aware prompts.

Module 3: Job-Specific Applications and Customization
• Tailoring ChatGPT for specific professional contexts.
• Group activities simulating real-world professional scenarios.
• Collaborative and role-playing exercises for skill application.
• End-of-course survey and assessment instructions.

Delivery Method and Timing
• Each module lasts approximately 90 minutes.
• Modules are delivered virtually.
• Delivery can be spread over multiple days for private sessions.
• At the end of modules 1 and 2, assignments are given to be completed prior to the start of the next module.
• Optional: We can provide a final assignment and evaluation notes to help guage your staff take-aways from the program.

Please call 416-927-7170 for private session pricing.