
Facilitation Skills for IT Professionals


Learn how to plan and effectively facilitate meetings of any size using proven facilitation techniques that will ensure your meeting objectives are achieved.


Learn how to plan and effectively facilitate meetings of any size using proven facilitation techniques that will ensure your meeting objectives are achieved. This course also covers how to plan and facilitate JAD type sessions, data modeling sessions, Use Case development sessions, and general user requirements gathering and validation sessions.

Limited course enrolment ensures plenty of opportunity to practice and interact with other course participants as well as allowing participants to focus on issues specific to their situation.

Several case-study driven workshops and simulations provide participants with full hands-on facilitation practice, as well as the opportunity to learn and practice strategies to manage difficult participants, and facilitate meetings where you must take an active role in the meeting in addition to acting as the meeting facilitator.

Participants also learn how to handle conflict between participants, and receive individual coaching and feedback throughout the course to maximize learning.


Any IT professional who needs to effectively design and facilitate group sessions.